Is there a cheeseaholics group?
Friday, March 09, 2007
I spent last weekend in Wisconsin, and I ate my weight in cheese.

Okay, not really, but I did eat a lot of cheese. And drank a lot of alcohol. And while it was a fantastic time, I had these little moments of melacholy because this is an annual gathering of friends and every so often I would think "This is the last time I'll be able to do this with abandon".

And that right there is why I'm having this surgery. Man, food should not be something I should be melancholy about. That thought never should have entered my mind because I was surrounded by some of the best and most awesome people in my life and that's what my focus should have been on. I shouldn't have been wondering how much cheese I'll be able to eat next year.

Probably the most awesome thing about the trip is that I got to tell people in person about what I'm planning for my summer. See, I've been online for 6 years now, and I have this whole other blog that's been around forever and all these people who know me, but I haven't been able to mention the surgery there because I don't want to deal with the assvice. So that's why I started this blog; I even tried to write in a slightly different voice so people wouldn't figure out it was me. But I got to see a bunch of my internet friends and tell them what's going on and guess what? Nothing but support. Not only support but offers of emails and phone calls as needed from other women who had gone through the surgery already (I had no idea that I knew so many, seriously). It was eye-opening, talking to one woman who had been through it 10 years ago, another who just had her plastics done, and another who gave me a whole new perspective on what it's like to be the friend of a WLS patient. It kind of reaffirmed my decision, too.

And now that Blogger has outed me, I'm going to go ahead and out myself on my other blog. And also, I'm going to start writing like myself, which is way more entertaining. But I'm going to keep all the weight loss stuff here, just because.

In other news, the meeting of insurance requirements continues. I'm back to Weight Watchers and have managed to lose 4.6 pounds since January 18th. (I managed to lose .8 pounds while on vacation and eating my weight in cheese. Maybe I should go on an all cheese diet or something.) I kind of both love and hate my meeting. My leader is awesomely hilarious, but there is this one chick in there who keeps bugging me. It's mostly the way she talks, I think. I'm sure I bug the hell out her too, what with my propensity for saying things like "There was no way in hell I could eat it all" but the rest of the group finds me amusing.

Dear God, I'm the class clown of Weight Watchers. Uff da.

My regular doctor continues to be awesome, which is good since I have to see her once a month to talk about The Diet. Apparently my B12 levels are low and I'm slightly anemic (Does cheese have iron? Maybe I should eat more cheese.), so she's a little concerned. So am I, considering that B12 absorption is something I'm going to have to be worried about after the surgery. So I've started taking a daily B12 pill and have got to get myself to start taking that damn daily multivitamin more often. It'd be easier to do if the chewables didn't taste like fruit flavored dust. All vitamins taste like dust though, so whatever. I'll eat the stupid things.


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