Momentous occasions deserve shopping
Friday, July 20, 2007
Today I got up and I worked out.

If you had told me 6 months ago that I would be getting up and working out (aerobically! and with weights!) a mere 11 days after someone stuck a bunch of probes and instruments into my gut and rearranged my intestines, I would have laughed myself into oblivion. But there I was, sneakers on and weights in my hand, sweating along with a perky blonde DVD exercise leader. And I am both amazed and awed by my body's ability to let me do that.

And instead of taking a nap (which oh, I wanted to do) I then proceeded to celebrate my half hour workout by going outlet shopping with a couple of friends. See, I have clothes for right now (and probably about another month) and I have some clothes for when I get down to a 14, but I have nothing for in between. So we hit the stores and I bought and bought and bought, until I had a big pile of clothes in varying sizes which will keep me clothed enough to not get fired for public indecency.

And then, just for fun, I bought some shoes. And two of them are polka dotted and AWESOME.

In other words, I rewarded myself by spending a lot of money that I probably shouldn't have, but the reassurance that I have a serviceable skirt to wear in 3 months makes it worth it.

In other news, I am so very,very bored with the full liquids stage. I am so very bored that I am daydreaming about tomorrow, when I can start drinking protein shakes again. I am missing protein like you would not believe, especially in light of the Period From Hell that hit me this week. and then! On Monday I start my soft foods diet, which means I get to eat CHEESE (and other stuff too, but the cheese is the best part). And since I get to eat cheese, I paid an ungodly amount of money in shipping charges to get the best string cheese in the whole world shipped to me from Wisconsin. It will be the best Monday ever.

I'm just hoping I still remember how to chew after all this liquid diet crap.


Blogger Dagny said...

Whoa LADY!!! You had surgery 11 days ago?? Did your doctor say you could handle weights???? I could not have done that 11 days out. I think I was still tiring easily at that point. You're allowed to give yourself a break for a while you know!!!

FYI, I did liquids for the entire first MONTH. Doc said it was OK. I wanted to go HARDCORE!

Blogger Melinda said...

It was only 5 pound weights and yes, my surgeon okayed me to do it since the incisions are all healed. In fact, he okayed me to do just about anything I wanted so yay, because I'm bored! I'll be the first to admit that my recovery has not been typical though; I was already pretty athletic before the surgery, and he doesn't want me to let all of that go now since I'm physically able to resume the same activities now. Plus, I have the Breast Cancer 3-Day to get ready for!

As for the food, my surgeon's pretty hardcore about getting people back to eating real food as soon as possible so that we get used to eating the smaller portions while that's all we can eat. So I'll actually be doing protein drinks interspersed with small meals of like...1 string cheese a few bites of fruit. Which is still awesome to me.

Blogger bozoette said...

String cheese from Wisconsin and polka dotted shoes -- life doesn't get much better than that! You are just awesome.

Blogger Dagny said...

Alright, another athlete!! You'll be sharing some ideas with Donna I'm sure! So far, she's the champ of the group as she does a 500-lb leg press!!! eeeegads!!!

We all get different instructions from our doctors and you gotta do what YOUR doctor says to do! Rock on, lady! Glad to have you in the gang!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

500 lb leg press? Sweet jesus that is fucking awesome.


Blogger Keyana said...

Okay what type of surgery did you have? I am at day seven and wanting to go work out but don't know when I can. Congrats on everything, I have read your blogs, but still have no idea which WLS you chose. I am new at the whole blogspot thing...

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