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Monday, September 03, 2007
I've got just over 2 months left to finish training for the Breast Cancer 3-Day (feel free to donate/pass on the link!), and I'm so far behind the recommended training schedule it's not even funny. On the other hand, I've already started working out about 10x more than I did the last two times I did it, so I'm pretty sure I'll be okay.

Anyway, I've started trying to participate in more of the actually organized training walks. So Thursday I was doing a little 5-6 mile walk with a group (despite the super horrific humidity that we've been dealing with) and about 3 miles in I was suddenly way behind the group and really, really struggling. And I had no idea why, other than the fact that good lord, the women who were there that day were all speedwalkers! It was really incredibly frustrating, because come ON, it was just five miles! It should be no problem! I had no idea why I was freaking out, but I was.

That night I got home and found a message from my doctor's office; my PCP had ordered some bloodwork to be done around the 2 month mark and she'd gotten the results from the blood I had drawn on Thursday morning. And my potassium was low enough (3.1 when it should be at least 3.5) that she had called in a prescription for me for potassium supplements and wanted me to come in again on Friday for a second blood check. So I looked up low potassium levels and voila, the answer to why my walk was so hard on me appeared.

And then OF COURSE my potassium levels were fine at the next blood check, but since that was after eating versus the fasting first one I'm thinking this is something that's going to reappear whenever I do endurance-type exercise that involves a lot of sweat. Things like...oh, walking 60 miles in 3 days. So before the 10 mile training walk on Sunday (in 85+ degree weather with 70% humidity no less), I went ahead and took the potassium supplement and between that and the sugar free sports drink mix that I found (which amazingly does not taste like ass!), I was okay afterwards. No muscle cramps, no sore butt, and I only had to take a 45 minute nap that afternoon.

So I'm thinking that potassium before a really sweaty outdoor workout (like a training walk or a session with my favorite exercise class ever) will keep me healthy and happy and in general, not dead.

I'm assuming that all my other levels were okay, since she didn't say anything about those. I'll find out the other results when I see her on the 11th, I suppose.

In other news, people in my life have started asking me what I can eat, what I do eat, occasionally asking "Can you eat that?" I feel like I eat SO MUCH; I'm averaging 600-800 calories a day and man, I have got to stop thinking that anything over 800 is gluttony. Because COME ON! 800 calories is nothing! I can burn half of that in 30 minutes on the elliptical! And really, self flagellation is both unattractive and unproductive for me, especially considering that A) my nutritionist doesn't worry about calorie levels until 12-18 months out and B) I exercise a lot.

Today it was super hot and humid and gross and I mostly survived on sugar free creamsicles, cold watermelon and cheese. In other words, I totally snacked my way through the day, with a couple Nectar drinks to round things out. So I'm not a perfect eater by any means. But here's a few of my meals from last week. I have found that I have to be awake for a couple hours before I can handle anything other than a protein drink or water in the morning, so I take both my breakfast and my lunch with me to work. I use one of these to hold all my food; with some ice packs in there, I can keep it in my office and not have to worry about anyone questioning my food. (By the way, I highly recommend the Laptop Lunch box; the little containers are the perfect size for post-op meal planning.)

And just for shits and giggles, here's my vitamin stash. And also, there's this:

This was taken last month, at the BBQ we threw for Kevin. I'm hot and sweaty and red but holy cow, there's collarbone dimples showing! And my eyes are suddenly bigger, what the hell is up with that?

I guess all this gut rearranging and food measuring and vitamin taking and sweaty exercising is working or something. Cool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, you two are so cute!

Blogger Danyele said...

Wow - taking pictures of your meals? I could never be that organized..LOL. Good for you!

I love the pic of you in the dress - such a hottie!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where'd you get that awesome lunchbox? I want one toooo! :)

Blogger Dagny said...

OMG, photos of your LUNCH. Too great. I poked around your photos. Is that you with the GIANT PANCAKE?? Guess that's in the past! Say goodbye to thems!

And yes, people with fatter faces have squinty-er eyes. You're looking pretty different compared with the photo in the black and white dress!

All that exercise is gonna do some serious good for you down the road when that's a second-nature part of your life. And it'll keep the power of the WLS cranked up on high now! You're in that "golden window" of time! Keep goin' lady!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love lunch photos and food photos in general. You look great!

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